Friday, September 14, 2012

Buying a Saxophone - New and Used Sax Prices By Dominic S Cucinotti

Dominic's Music is the source for low prices on a magnificent selection of high quality saxophones for sale, violins, flutes, trumpets, clarinets, and other band instruments for sale. Whether you are thinking of buying a new or used musical instrument, want to sell or trade-in a musical instrument, or need your instrument repaired, musical instrument expert Dominic Cucinotti can help. The musical instruments sold at Dominic's Music include lines from the finest manufacturers for your band instrument and other instrument needs.

I have been playing sax, clarinet and flute since 1951.

I have been repairing instruments since 1978.

My last major concert was for a host of pretty impressive guests, including former President Bill Clinton.

When he was in Boston with Senator John Kerry for a fund-raising event for Senator Ted Kennedy.

I played in the 22-piece John Payne Saxophone Choir at the Park Plaza Castle.

Security was so tight,

the Secret Service did background checks on each musician and we had to leave our instruments at

the door to be searched by White House staff.

If you have never played a sax before it is best to ask a friend or a sax teacher to come with you when testing them out.

You should always try to buy from a reputable dealer who has a return policy and can provide you with a list of satisfied customers.

If you do not have anyone to help then you should check the pads to see if they cover the tone holes perfectly.

If the color of the pads is light brown and they have a circle indentation on the pad that is a good sign.

If the pads are dark brown and dirty then it may need new pads.

The average cost to replace pads is up to $550.00 dollars.

You should check the internet to find out how much other people are selling the same sax that you are looking at.

It is important that the instrument plays in tune with itself.

Thee are some instruments that do not play in tune and are not good for playing with other people.

It is important to develop a good tone.

That involves much practice.

If you have never played a sax before and have no help to look for one then it is important to buy a mouthpiece and a reed and play that by itself until you can get a good tone on many levels.

I will be glad to help anyone that needs help.

Dominic S. Cucinotti

CALL ME for more info and help on buying new or used saxophones. I still play gigs and I can recommend how to find places to play. Check out my website for sale prices and more tips on performance


Dominic S. Cucinotti DOMINIC'S MUSIC, INC. 121 LORING AVE. SUITE # 710 SALEM, MA 01970

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